Somalia’s Constitution Minister Hints at Possible Change in 2016 Election Model


MOGADISHU (somaliguardian) – Somalia’s acting Minister of Constitution Salah Ahmed Jama who is also the chairman of a committee established to make recommendations on electoral models held meeting with federal and regional government leaders in Dhusamareb.

The Minister speaking to press in Dhusamareb on Monday evening pointed out that the committee engaged in consultations with opposition leaders and other actors of society on key election aspects.

“From the time we were appointed to make recommendations on best election options viable in our country, we have put more efforts on creating framework for the task ahead and guidelines that direct us. We’ve also engaged in consultations with opposition leaders, civil society members, intellectuals and the electoral commission” said the Somali Minister of Constitution Salah Ahmed Jama.

Mr Jama said they informed a meeting of federal and regional government leaders about achievements made thus far and the work ahead.

Speaking on election models, the acting Minister of Constitution said the country needs to move forward from previous electoral options and hold elections that all citizens could turn out to cast their ballots.

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