Al-Shabaab rejects Somaliland allegation it is involved in Lasanod conflict


MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) – Al-Shabaab armed group on Thursday denied allegations by Somaliland authorities that its fighters are taking part in ongoing clashes in the town of Lasanod in northern Somalia’s Sool region.

The rebel group said Somaliland accusation is baseless and is aimed at receiving the support of international community in a clampdown against an uprising by Lasanod residents, whose elders had earlier announced that they are not part of the separatist region.

Dozens of people have been killed in four days of heavy fighting and hundreds more wounded.

On Wednesday, the mayor of Lasanod accused Somaliland troops of shelling mosques, hospitals and other public places indiscriminately targeting civilians. He threatened that local government officials will join the fighting.

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