Al-Shabaab says ‘unequivocally rejects’ Ethiopian demands on gaining access to Somalia’s seaports


MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) – Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab said in a statement on Wednesday it rejected Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s demands on gaining access to the war-torn country’s seaports.

The group accused Abiy of pursuing “hegemonic ambitions to annex Somalia” after he had revealed his intention of acquiring a seaport for his landlocked country.

“Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen unequivocally rejects the proposal, entertainment and submission of one inch of Somali territory or coastline to Ethiopian Christian crusaders,” Al-Shabaab said in a astatement.

“The Jihad waged by our forefathers the likes of Ahmed Gurey, Hassan Barsane and Sayid Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, has previously prevented Ethiopia from actualizing its goals in the Horn of Africa.”

Somalia’s government and leaders of regional states have not yet commented on the comments from the Ethiopian Premier. Somali senator Abdi Ismail Samatar called on authorities to lodge complaint over Ethiopia’s expansionist ambitions to the United Nations.

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