MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) – African Union peacekeepers killed 7 civilians near the town of Golwayn in southern Somalia’s Lower Shabelle region shortly after militants ambushed a military convoy in a nearby area, a government administrator for the restive town said on Tuesday.
Madey Sheikh said among the dead were 3 auto mechanics, who had been repairing a vehicle in the town of Farah, some 4km from the town of Golwayn and the rest were farmers, who had been taken by the soldiers from their farms.
AMISOM has not immediately commented on the claim, but the African Union peacekeepers often take reprisal actions against civilians when targeted by militant attacks. They killed more than 10 civilians in Suqa-holaha neighborhood in Mogadishu last year after IED blast hit their convoy and a few months later, the peacekeepers opened fire on residents in Jamhuriya neighborhood that resulted in the death of at least 6 civilians.
Speaking to state radio, Madey said AMISOM rebuffed a meeting called by Golwayn town officials to discuss the incident with the commanders of the African Union troops stationed in the area.
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