Egypt, Eritrea leaders discuss diplomatic row between Somalia and Ethiopia

Egypt, Eritrea leaders

MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) – The leaders of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Eritrea Asiais Afwerki on Saturday met in Cairo to discuss issues, including the escalating tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia over the latter’s move to lease a parcel of land along the Red Sea from the breakaway region of Somaliland.

The two called for the need to respect the sovereignty of Somalia and agreed to reject Ethiopia’s move to infringe on the territorial integrity of the war-torn Horn of Africa nation.

Bilateral relations on key areas as well as the conflict in neighboring Sudan were among other issues the two leaders discussed.

Egyptian President earlier said his government would defend Somalia in case of a war over Addis Ababa’s alleged attempts to annex parts of the country’s northern breakaway region of Somaliland.

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