Ethiopia’s army chief says his troops control 60% of Somalia’s territory

Birhanu Jula

MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) – Ethiopia’s army chief Birhanu Jula has said in a new interview that his troops are in control of more than 60 percent of Somalia’s territory amid tensions with Somali authorities over Addis Ababa’s sea access deal with the breakaway region of Somaliland.

The Ethiopian army chief claimed that Somali government based in Mogadishu will collapse if Ethiopia pulls out its forces from the neighboring Horn of Africa nation.

It comes weeks after Ethiopian ambassador to Somalia accused Somali leadership of corruption, incompetence and failure to restore peace, adding that the capital Mogadishu is still a no-go area despite the presence of tens of thousands of African troops and other international forces. He has later apologized over the comments, saying his words were misunderstood.

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