NAIROBI (Somaliguardian) – Kenya said on Tuesday it regretted the participation of representatives from Somaliland office in Nairobi at an annual diplomatic conference hosted by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenya after the move had triggered the ire of Somalia’s new government.
Somalia’s ambassador to Kenya Mohamud Ahmed Nur Tarsan stormed out of the meeting on Tuesday to protest the presence of representatives from Somaliland and the flag of the breakaway region at the event. read more
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs regrets the inadvertent and inappropriate presence of the flag o Somaliland at the Annual Diplomatic Function. The Ministry further wishes to reaffirm its recognition of one Federal Somalia Government and the integrity of the Federal Somali State,”
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the embassy of the Federal Republic of Somalia in Nairobi the assurances of its highest considerations.”
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