HARGEISA (Somaliguardian) – Secretary General of Somaliland’s Waddani opposition party Khadar Hussein Abdi said on Saturday a tyre was burned at the doorway of his home in Hargeisa, just days after the chairman of his party reported a similar incident.
“This is the front door of my Hargeisa home, where a tyre was burned last night,” Khadar Hussein, Secretary of Waddani party tweeted.
“I reported the incident to the police and [I] am awaiting their response. A similar incident occurred at the home of our chairman, Hirsi. These appear to be coordinated incidents.”
Images he tweeted appear to show charred remains at the front-door of a house, though Somaliguardian has not been able to verify the claim independently.
Last week, the leader of Waddani party Hirsi Ali Haji Hassan said car-ramming and arson attacks had targeted his residence while he was away and pointed a finger of suspicion at the government of President Muse Bihi Abdi amid a dispute over upcoming presidential vote. read more
On Thursday, police and security guards of the residence of Waddani presidential candidate Abdirahman Irro briefly exchanged gunfire that has not resulted in casualties. In response to the incident, leader of Ucid Party Faysal Ali Warabe said the attack was a telltale sign that security in the break-away region was in danger.
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