MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) – A female official at the office of Somalia’s Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble was among people killed in a suicide car bomb at El-gab junction in Mogadishu, a government spokesman Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimu said on Saturday.
Hibak Abukar, who was in charge of Women Affairs Department of the Prime Minister’s office, died after a suicide car bomb exploded at a busy checkpoint near the presidential compound.
She was an active staff member and a “key pillar of the office” in particular, the Department of Women Affairs, Moalimu said.
Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, in a statement expressed his condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in the suicide bombing and condemned the attack.
Madaxweynaha JFS Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa tacsi tiiraanyo leh u diray qoysaska, qaraabada iyo guud ahaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ay ka geeriyoodeen Muwaadiniintii ku shahiiday qaraxii bahalnimada ahaa ee argagixisadu ay maanta ka fuliyeen magaalada Muqdisho.
— Villa Somalia (@TheVillaSomalia) September 25, 2021
The Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble also condemned the suicide car bomb and called for enhanced cooperation in the fight against terror.
Ra’iisul Wasaare Rooble oo tacsi u diray ehellada Hibaaq Abuukar Xasan oo ka mid ahayd la taliyeyaasha arrimaha haweenka iyo xuquuqul insaanka XRW
— SomaliPM (@SomaliPM) September 25, 2021
The United Nations office in Somalia joined the chorus of condemnation against explosion near entrance of the presidential palace in Mogadishu and extended its condolences to the families of the victims.
The @UN in #Somalia condemns today’s suicide attack near an entrance to Villa Somalia in #Mogadishu. We extend our condolences to the families of the #victims and wish a speedy recovery for the injured, and stand with all #Somalis against such heinous #terrorist acts.
— UNSOM (@UNSomalia) September 25, 2021
Suicide Car Bomb in Somalia’s Capital Kills at Least 8
A suicide car bomb exploded at a security checkpoint close to the presidential compound in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, leaving at least 8 dead and 9 others wounded, a police spokesman said on Saturday.
Footage circulated on social media showed a number of vehicles destroyed by the blast and debris strewn on the street where the explosion took place.
A vehicle laden with explosives exploded at around 10:49 AM at Elgabta checkpoint in Mogadishu, where vehicles heading to the presidential palace and nearby hotels lined up to undergo security checks, a spokesman for the Somali police said.
A video shows plume of smoke rising from El-Gabta junction in #Somalia’s capital, #Mogadishu where a car bomb exploded. Casualties reported.
— Somaliguardian (@SomaliGuardian) September 25, 2021
At least 8 people were killed and 9 others wounded in the attack, he told a press conference in the capital Mogadishu.
Exact casualties have not been immediately clear and security forces blocked journalists from reaching the scene of the attack. Police spokesman did not say whether security officials were among the casualties.
Al-Qaeda-aligned militant group Al-Shabaab said it had carried out the bombing targeting a convoy of officials with Somalia’s presidency.
The explosion is the second to take place in the Somali capital in just 24 hours. A suicide bomber blew himself up outside the residence of Mogadishu police head Farhan Qarole in Wadajir district on Friday afternoon, but no casualties have been reported.
#BREAKING: Several dead as car bomb explodes near #Somalia’s presidential palace in #Mogadishu. For more updates 👉
— Somaliguardian (@SomaliGuardian) September 25, 2021
Explosion attacks have increased over the past weeks since political wrangling between the strife-torn Horn of Africa nation’s most powerful leaders – the president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and his prime minister Mohamed Hussein Roble – reached new heights, nominally over the murder of a female spy.
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