DJIBOUTI (Somaliguardian) – Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, who is on an official state visit in Djibouti, has met the President of the tiny Horn of Africa nation Ismail Omar Guelleh, his office said on Wednesday.
Roble arrived in Djibouti on Tuesday on an official state visit to give his closing remarks at the Somali Forum for Ideas annually hosted by Guelleh’s government.
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha XFS Mudane @MohamedHRoble oo booqasho ku jooga dalka Djibouti ayaa la kulmay madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Djibouti Mudane @IsmailOguelleh oo ay ka wada hadleen xoojinta xiriirka labada dal ee walaalaha ah.
— SomaliPM (@SomaliPM) December 15, 2021
It comes months after the diplomatic relations between Mogadishu and Djibouti, which also contributes troops to the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia, soured following allegations traded over report issued by Djibouti-led IGAD fact-finding mission deployed to the border between Somalia and Kenya.
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