Somali President Meets New Spy Chief Bashir Gobe

Somali president

MOGADISHU (Somaliguardian) – Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo held undislcosed meeting with the new spy chief Bashir Mohamed Jama (Gobe), hours after rejecting his appointment by the prime minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, drawing public backlash.

It appears that the president reversed his decision to undo Mr Gobe’s assignment to serve as new intelligence chief, Caasimada Online news website quoted government sources as saying.

Farmajo asked former spy chief Fahad Yasin to continue his work, in a stark opposition against the prime minister’s move and in what many people, including Ikran Tahlil’s mother called an “obstruction” of efforts to serve justice for the slain female intelligence officer.

The president’s press office has not commented on the media reports about the meeting.

Somali president seems to have realized that he was overpowered and that real power is now vested in the prime minister Mohamed Hussein Roble’s hands, political analysts say.

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