Somaliland MPs Oppose Egyptian Proposal to Set Up a Military Base

HARGEISA (Somaliguardian) –Somaliland parliament MPs strongly opposed Egyptian plan to build a military base in the break-away state, saying that the move would pit them against their brotherly nation of Ethiopia.

Parliamentarian Nacnac who was speaking to Mogadishu based Simba radio said Somaliland would not allow Egypt to set up a military base in the self-declared state, adding that would deteriorate relations with Ethiopia.

“We and Ethiopia share many in common; we will not allow Egypt to set up a military base in our country for they were unhelpful to us during our troubled days, why do they approach us in our halcyon days,” said parliamentarian Nacnac.

“We will not grant Egypt permission to build a base even if it recognizes our sovereignty. The Taiwanese are closer to us than Egyptians.”

Earlier, Ethiopian foreign ministry spokesman warned Egypt of establishing relationships at the expense of another country, calling on al-Sisi regime to refrain from plans to set up a military base in Somaliland.

“If Egypt’s intent to have a presence in the region would be a threat to a third country, that won’t be appropriate,” said Ethiopia’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Ambassador Dina Mufti, in an interview with the Nation.

 “In this case, we need to have concrete instances of what’s happening…we hope it won’t be at the expense of Ethiopia or any other neighboring countries because if so, it will be unlawful, against humanity and international peace and security.”

Ethiopian finance Minister Ahmed Shide arrived in Hargeisa last week shortly after the visit of an Egyptian delegation that urged president Bihi to grant them permission to set up a military base.

The Ethiopian finance minister warned president Bihi of allowing Egypt to build a military facility inside Somaliland, providing him with a letter from prime minister Abiy Ahmed.

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